Tuesday 19 September 2017

W.I.T Reflection


For my W.I.T I did a thinglink.
In my group, I had Abbie And Taryn.
It was a little challenging but we got there.
Our target Audience was year 3 & 4.
So we went to Te  Pihigna.
They gave us a lot of information.
In our group of kids from Te  Pihigna, we had 4 people.
Before we choose a thinglink we wrote down what we wanted to do.
so we were not planning on doing a thinglink.
We chose out of a kahoot, imovie or coding.
We chose to code.
it got too difficult so we told the teacher.
she said that we should do a thinglink.
We were all fine with it.
the thinglink was much easier than coding.
Bye Bye for now.
Have a nice day.

Sunday 10 September 2017

My Kowhaiwhai Script

               Hi i’m Aria,

Today I am going to be talking and showing my Kowhaiwhai.

Let’s get started. First here is a picture of my Kowhaiwhai.

Ok so how about the steps to make a Kowhaiwhai.

  • You will need a book and a pen. For the 1st step.
  • Ok so you will need to draw some koru’s and then once you think you have drawn enough kuro’s.
  • Then choose the one that you think you like the best.
  • Now get the right size paper the same size as this one i made and showed you.
  • Then draw a line through the middle ( THE LINE HAS TO BE STRAIGHT!!!!)
  • Now you can draw you stencil for your artwork.
  • Next is cut your stencil.
  • Now once you have finished cut your stencil you can draw well trace your stencil so it is the same on each side.
  • After you have done you tracing you can paint the inside of the kuro.
  • After that has dried you can paint the background ( they can be any colour of your choice for inside of kuro and background.
  • Then choose any colour of glitter then for this you will need PVA glue and any colour of glitter of your choice.
  • Then put bit by bit with glue then sprinkle the glitter of your choice. You could also use multi coloured glitter and it might even look like sprinkles on your artwork be creative.
  • Tip for painting don’t do dark colours together but.

I thought that this a really cool piece of artwork.

I think that everyone can make this no matter if you make a mistake.
TIP number 2 You can never make a mistake in art it can always be fixed. ( I learnt that at art class )

I hope you like my script for my Kowhaiwhai.
This is a Koiri.
There should always be a maths side to this kind of artwork.
The maths side of my artwork is that it was rotated and reflected.

Hope this was useful and you learned something today. : )

Quote of the day : you will always learn something everyday.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Cross Country Reflection

This week was cross country.
This year for cross country we got to choose if we wanted to do competitive or a fun run.
I chose to do the fun run.
My favorite part 0f cross country was finishing the race because I hate cross country. Also cross country is about having fun not winning.

This year I liked that there was a fun run, but I wish it was a smaller course so that it was more achieveable, especially for younger kids like year threes. 

Image result for fun run words

Frankley Flood

On saturday night it was raining really hard.
I could hear it through my window’s.
That morning I woke got ready for school and then the phone.
It was the school ringing to say that school was canceled due to flooding.
Then i said “ so i got ready for nothing.”
Then later that morning tony showed us a picture of his work ( he works at firth. )
His work was flooding it was up to the top stair of the stairs to his office.
So that day I did normal boring stuff.
Then later that day I got an email it was from mrs trinder.
The email was some picture of the school while it was flooding.
That day I was a little sad because I love school and I didn’t get to go that day.
When I looked at the flood pictures I was just like WOW.

Here are some picture’s of the school flooding.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Desperaux book


in our class ( tuhono ) we got to choose if we wanted to listen to The tale Despereaux or Wonder.
I choose The tale of Despereaux.
Tale of Despereaux is about a mouse.
But this mouse is no ordinary mouse.
this mouse was born with big ears, eyes wide open when born, heard the sound of honey, can talk to humans, lets humans touch him and he reads books and he is supposed to eat the pages of the books.
Saw princess pea he automatically fell in love with her.
So since he read the book he had to go to the dungeon.
The latest chapter we read was called a view  from a chandelier.
We have found a new word I have never heard it anyway.
The word was an ornate chandelier
I will catch you up on the next part of the chapter.

Image result for chandeliers