Foxes are a little bit bigger than cats.`
Foxes are one of the one most well known wild animals in the uk they are native to Britain.
Foxes can live up to 14 years old.
Foxes can live anywhere in town or the countryside.
A fox's home is called a den or an earth.
Foxes are mostly active at night.
Foxes use 28 different types of call to communicate with each other.
There are around 200 different owl species.
Owls are active at night.
Some owls species hunt fish.
Owls have flat face and large eyes.
Most owls hunt fish.
Some owls have crazy eye sight.
Some owls eat plants.
Many owls don't hoot or screech.
Owls live in cactus.
Raccoons have very useful front paws.
Raccoons have very good intelligence level.
Raccoon eat anything.
Raccoon usually dip their food in water.
Raccoon can run 15 miles per hour.
Raccoons are very smart.
Raccoons are more likely related to bears than foxes.
Raccoon make their home in a hollow of a tree.
Raccoons are very curious.
There are 17 species of hedgehog.
A baby hedgehog is called a hoglet.
Hedgehogs are small mammals.
Hedgehogs live in the forest woodland and near the pond.
Hedgehog eat any insects that includes worm and the eat mice.
Hedgehog live alone. They don't make cuddly pets.
Hedgehogs look adorable but they can carry diseases such as salmonella.
Hedgehogs can eat poisonous snakes.
Hedgehogs eat catfood, hedgehog food and insects.