Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Tonys Back

At 10:00 at night Tony got on the plane to come back home from Australia. He got home at midnight.

Before Tony got home Mum got up to go toilet and she had her phone with her, and in the bathroom she dropped her phone and it has a big crack in it now!  Luckily her alarm went off but her phone wont go on anymore so now she has to play on Tony's phone.

Anyway at least Tony's back with a present for me and Lani he got a pink- and pretty handbag and its got four books and in the book it has 400 stickers and 2 fold and create folding creation in each book.

While Tony was up in Australia he brought back his army clothes and jackets.

I hope Tony had good time in Australia.

Tony got mum a new watch and my Grandma has something similar to my mums but Grandmas has Butterfly on hers. 

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Best Day Ever

Yesterday mum bought a new dining sweet.

It has a kinda bouncy seat it has fabric seat and it has a wood table that comes with it.

I got to make three chairs and lan igot to make three chairs.

Yesterday after mum dropped us off to art class and went back to work once she got there a man named levi who works there screamed at her and she just walked out of work and went to center city or lovisa.
when she was in center city or lovisa
she bought an owl necklace and ring pack for me,she got a unicorn necklace and hairclip for lani, and she got a big sis and little sis necklace and it was like it was broken in half and i have the big sis necklace and lani got a little sis necklace. it said on a sign 3 for 25 dollars. right now I am wearing my two necklaces and my ring and right now lani is wearing her unicorn hair clips and neackle.


Sunday, 12 June 2016

My Art Exhibition

On Friday after my sister Leilani went to her tap exam Tony,Leilani and me went to pick up mum. we all went to my art exhibition and Pauline,Xavier and his mum Rachel where already there. we met up at where I do my art by Central School on Pendarves street.

Friday, 3 June 2016


Easy Blog Photo
In team 67 we are learning about the sign in the bush that didn't make sense to mr Anderson we had to use BOLD writing,clear symbols,bright colours, good layout and a clear message. Hope all the little kids can understand my sign.