Monday, 29 June 2015

whole school Assembly

On Friday room 8  was running assembly. My sister was in the frount line because she is in room 2 . I was really nervous on stage doing jump jam and just dance because the whole school was watching me even my friends. I got to talk into the micraphone really loud. it was fun. We got to sing Que sera and feel inside. It was on friday. which ment i got to go home straite away. I thought our assembly was awesome and better than every other class but not rocking 67 HQ which mean room 6 and 7. my sister was clapping for me. and i thought she liked our assembly then any other . i loved our assembly.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Aria's new's blog By Aria


Today I got some new
but first we went to Image result for kmart logo
and they didn't have any.
I needed to have new boot's because my feet are too big for my other shoe's at Dad and Shani's house in Hamilton.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

grandma's house  

in the holiday’s I am going to my grandma’s house. I am going to see nalah.nalah is only one. narah is my baby cousin I also have four more cousin. they are called kobe,kyah,kruz and kahlia she is going to be at school soon just like me. i am going to see sponge out of water and eat chocolate. i am going to the movie’s’ with kyah,kobe and kobe’s’ friend. i do not know what kobe’s’ friend name is. i am having fun at grandmas house.

Lani cupcake book for girls

lanis cupcake books for girls

on lanis birthday she got a cupcake book for girls. in  the book there is some carrot cupcake and christmas cupcakes.on the cupcakes there are snowflakes. there are also christmas gingerbread cupcake with a gingerbread man on the top and little gingerbread on the bottom. on the cover it is pink and red and white and purple.  on the back it is blue and gold and some dots on the plates.

Another point of view chapter 2

This book was about some beetle's who wanted to find out about why human's stamp on them. They also wanted to find out what make human's fly and they think that they use an aircraft to fly. I liked this book because it has my favourite word's. I rate this book as a 10 out of 10. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

another point of view

 this book was about a girl who didn't what ginger hair because every one laughed at her. so she threw some of her hair outside and a bird kept coming to get the ginger hair so that the bird can put it in her nest for her egg's.       

i liked this book because it has ginger hair like me i rate this as a 10 out of 10.

by aria